Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Importance of Science.

Well so I was wondering how Set Theory in Math would actually relate to daily life. It dawned on me that actually everything in Science helps in our lives and we might actually use it unlike Algebra.

Without science, you would not be reading this. Without science, there would be no computers, no internet, and no blogging.Well, so what you might say. I’m sure you could live without reading this blog post, or indeed any of the other 1.6 million posts made every day (according to Technorati). I’m even sure you could live without computers and the internet in general - after all, only 22% of the world’s population has access to such luxuries. Maybe you’d find it harder to get by without cars, antibiotics and fridges, although these are also unfortunately far from universal worldwide.
But is science only about new inventions, new technology and new medicines? When the Large Hadron Collider was fired up early this year, besides suggesting we were all doomed, many people were asking what the point of it all was. Wouldn’t the money be better spent elsewhere, it was suggested. Who really wants to know about a bunch of stupid particles anyway?
I’d counter this argument with: who wouldn’t want to know? The human mind is inescapably curious. Everybody wants to learn something, be it particle physics, the saxophone, or a comprehensive knowledge of football. Arguably, it is scientific curiosity that has allowed us to rise to our prominent position on planet Earth.

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